Geckos are a popular subject for drawing by their large eyes, expressive faces, colorful skin, and unique feet.
In this tutorial, will walk through how to draw a gecko from start to finish.
How To Draw A Gecko – A Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Draw the Head
Start by drawing a large oval for the triangular skull.
Then, add a snout that extends out from the front of the head.

Step 2: Add Eyes
Geckos have big bulging eyes spaced far apart.
Draw two large circles with a dot in the center of each for the pupils.

Step 3: Drawing the Body and Tail
This step guides how to draw a gecko; we shall focus on the body and tail of the gecko.
Geckos have short, flattened bodies and long, taper tails.
Draw an oval shape for the body, make the oval broad and stout.
Extend a tapering line from the rear of the body oval to the length you want the tail. Make it curve up slightly at the top.

Step 4: Add Legs and Feet
On each side of the body, draw four lines that extend from the bottom of the body for the four legs.
Make the two legs on each side point slightly outward. Then, thicken the ends of each leg to create the gecko’s feet, as you can see in the reference image.

Step 5: Adding Details to the Head
Draw two oval shape below the eyes for the nostrils.
Draw a curve line below the nostrils for the smiling mouth. Add small dashes for teeth along the mouth edges.
Outline the half-moon-shaped ear indentations.

Step 6: Adding Patterns and Texture to the Gecko’s Skin
Use crisp lines, dots to indicate patterns of spots, bands, imperfections, or brushes moving across the body and face.
Add colorful spots, stripes, bands, streaks, or blotches distributed realistically across the body and facial skin.

Step 7: Color Your Gecko Drawing
Now comes the most enjoyable step of all the steps in this guide how to draw a gecko: coloring in your amazing gecko drawing!
Some ideas for coloration include:
Greens, browns, tans, yellows, oranges, or reds for the skin
Dark browns, blacks, or reds for spots, stripes, or blotches
Light colors for the bulging eyes and underbelly
Bright patterns along the tail

And there you have it – a completed gecko drawing!
With practice and patience, you can develop your skills and enjoy drawing many unique geckos.

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