Space is the final frontier.
The image of an astronaut floating weightlessly in space is a symbol of human achievement.
If you want to learn how to draw an astronaut, you’re in the right place.
In this tutorial, will help you learn step-by-step how to draw an astronaut in a spacesuit.

How to Draw an Astronaut – A Step by Step Guide
1. How to draw a cute astronaut

Step 1: Draw the Astronaut’s Helmet and Visor
Sketch a basic oval shape for the helmet.
Then, draw a smaller oval shape inside the helmet for the visor.

Step 2: Draw a line around the bottom of the helmet for the rim.

Step 3: Draw the Astronaut’s Body
Draw two lines angled down from the bottom of the helmet to form the shoulders.
Draw an oval shape for the torso with slightly rounded corners.
Then, add inverted U shapes for the feet and legs.

Step 4: Draw the arms
Draw two narrower, curved lines extending from the sides of the body to create the arms.
One arm should be slightly bent to hold the flag.

Step 5: Draw the Spacesuit
Draw lines around the arms and legs to create the suit.
Then, add details such as pockets, zippers, and buttons.

Step 6: Add some details like folds and seams on the spacesuit.

Step 7: Draw the Flag
Draw a long, vertical line from the hand to create the flagpole.
At the top of the flagpole, draw a small rectangle shape for the flag.

Step 8: It’s time to color for your drawing

2. How to draw a cartoon astronaut
Step 1: Draw the basic shape
Start with two circle shapes overlapping, as shown in the picture of the astronaut’s head and body.
For the guideline, draw a vertical line through the middle of the head and two horizontal lines across the head and body.

Step 2: Inside the helmet, draw a smaller circle for the astronaut’s faceplate.

Step 3: Draw two oval shapes extending from the bottom of the body for the legs.

Step 4: Draw the first arm extend from the bottom of the head

Step 5: This step on guide how to draw an astronaut will adding other arm

Step 6: Add details like buttons or patches on the suit

Step 7: Erase any unnecessary guide lines

Step 8: Add color to your cartoon astronaut

3. How to draw an easy astronaut
Step 1: Draw an oval shape for the head, and two curved lines for the ears

Step 2: Draw wavy lines on the top of the head for the hair, and a small triangle for the nose.

Step 3: Draw a smiling face by using the curved lines to sketch it.

Step 4: Draw the body and arms
Draw a rectangle shape below the head for the astronaut’s body.
Draw two curved lines as shown in the picture for the arms.
At the end of each arm, draw curved lines to represent fingers.

Step 5: Add two short, straight lines extending from the bottom of the body for the legs.

Step 6: In this step on guide how to draw an astronaut by draw the helmet above the right hand to represent the arm holding the helmet

Step 7: Draw a curved line around the body and arms to complete the astronaut’s suit

Step 8: You can use white, gray colors to make your astronaut stand out.

Good job! You have successfully learned how to draw an astronaut.
By drawing this astronaut, you get to visualize exciting ventures among the stars.
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