If you have a soft spot for animals, why not try to draw a goat?
In this article, easydrawforkids.com will help you learn how to draw a goat in 4 ways.
With this guide, you’ll create a lifelike goat drawing.
How to Draw a Goat – A Step by Step Guide
1. Cute Goat Drawing

Step 1: Draw an oval for the basic shape of the goat’s head.

Step 2: The second step on guide how to draw a goat, draw a larger oval shape below the head to represents the body.

Step 3: Use curved lines coming straight down from the body to outline the legs.

Step 4: Drawing the Goat’s Tail and Ears
Draw two leaf-shaped outlines on the sides of the head for the ears
Extend a curved line from the back of the goat’s body to create the tail.

Step 5: Sketching the Horns and Snout
Extend upward tapered curves behind the ears, aiming slightly back to form the horns.
Below the head, add a curved line for the snout.

Step 6: Add some texture and fur to the goat by using short, curved lines throughout its body.

Step 7: Sketch the facial features
Within the head, draw two large oval-shaped eyes.
Add small circles inside the eyes to represent the pupils. Just below the eyes, draw a small V-shaped nose.
Then, draw a smiling mouth by curving a line beneath the nose. Add a few short lines above the eyes to indicate the goat’s fur.

Step 8: Color your goat drawing.

2. Cartoon Goat Drawing
Step 1: Draw the head and body

Step 2: Draw two long oval shape for the legs

Step 3: Add another legs and ears

Step 4: Draw the horns and tails

Step 5: Add facial features and hooves

Step 6: Refine the details of the goat.

Step 7: Erase unnecessary lines

Step 8: If you’d like, you can color your cartoon goat using your preferred coloring materials.

3. Realistic Goat Drawing
Step 1: The first step on guide how to draw a goat, draw an oval shape to form the body.

Step 2: Define the contours of the neck, and head.

Step 3: Add a line for the spine and a line for the belly.

Step 4: Add the Ears and Horns
Draw the ears on either side of the head, using curved lines that taper to a point.
Then, sketch the horns starting from the top of the head.

Step 5: Draw the legs
Sketch the legs, paying attention to the joints and muscle structure.
Define the hooves by drawing small triangular shapes at the bottom of each leg.

Step 6: Draw a rounded shape with multiple teats below the belly.

Step 7: Draw the tail from the back of the goat’s body

Step 8: Draw the Bell
Draw a small oval shape for the bell. Use another curved line to connect the bell to the goat’s neck.

Step 9: Add eyelashes, a small pupil in each eye, and the nostrils on the nose.

Step 10: If you prefer, you can now add color to your goat drawing

4. Simple Goat Drawing
Step 1: Draw the goat’s head

Step 2: Add two small circular shapes for the ears on top of the head.

Step 3: Add the facial features
Draw two large circular shapes for the eyes, add a small oval shape for the nose, and draw a curved line for the mouth.
Draw two curved lines extending from the top sides of the head to represent the goat’s horns.

Step 4: The fourth step on guide how to draw a goat, draw a long oval shape to form the body.

Step 5: Extend down two lines from the body for the front legs

Step 6: Draw the hind legs, add a curved line extending from the back of the body to form tail.

You now create the unique goat drawing.
This knowledge also transfers to depicting other quadruped mammals.
I hope you have found enjoyment and inspiration throughout this tutorial.

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