Dragonflies are fascinating insects with intricate wings and beautiful colors.
If you want to learn how to draw dragonfly, this guide is for you.
In this tutorial, easydrawforkids.com will provide you 4 easy ways to draw a dragonfly.

How to Draw Dragonfly – A Step By Step Guide
1. Dragonfly Flying Drawing
Step 1: Start by drawing an oval shape for the dragonfly’s head

Step 2: Draw a smaller oval shape for the thorax

Step 3: Extend a long, curved line from the thorax to create the tail.

Step 4: Drawing two curved lines extending from the thorax for the front wings.
At the end of the body, draw two smaller wings. Each wing should be long and narrow, with a slightly curved shape.
Start the wings from the body and extend them outward.

Step 5: Draw two pairs of thin, curved lines extending from the thorax for the front and middle legs.
Draw two more curved lines extending from the abdomen for the hind legs.

Step 6: Dragonflies have large, compound eyes, draw two flattened circles on either side of the head for the eyes.
Draw a small, protruding line in the center of the head for the mouth.
Using cross-hatching or stippling to make the wings look more lifelike.

Step 6: Dragonflies come in various colors, so feel free to choose any color you prefer.

2. Easy Dragonfly Drawing

Step 1: You can start this way how to draw dragonfly by drawing a circle for the head and a larger one for the thorax.

Step 2: Add a long oval shape for the abdomen.

Step 3: Draw two small teardrop shapes above the thorax, then draw two more larger ones below it for the wings.

Step 4: Draw two lines for the long, thin antennae on top of the head.

Step 5: Draw the curves of the head, thorax, and abdomen, making sure to keep the proportions accurate.
Draw the eyes on either side of the head, following the curve of the circle.
Then, draw the curved line for the mouth.

Step 6: For the wings, draw veins by using thin lines.
Draw the segments and stripes on the thorax and abdomen.

Step 7: In this step guide, how to draw dragonfly, draw two short line for the hand as shown the picture.

Step 8: You can color your dragonfly drawing by your style.

3. Cartoon Dragonfly drawing

Step 1: Draw a small circle

Step 2: Next, draw the body by drawing a long, slightly curved line for it.

Step 3: Draw the wings of the dragonfly by adding two large, triangular shapes on either side of the body.

Step 4: Draw the eyes by adding two large circles on the head.
Next, add the details to the dragonfly drawing. Adding small lines on the wings to create a vein-like pattern.
Add small circles at the end of the wings and tail.

Step 5: Choose colours that match the natural colours of a dragonfly, such as blue, green, and purple.

4. Simple Dragonfly Drawing

Step 1: Start by sketching the eyes with two circles and straight lines, as shown in the picture.

Step 2: The body should be long and thin.
Draw an oval shape for the thorax.
Then, add a long oval shape for the abdomen.

Step 3: Draw two small teardrop shapes above the thorax, then draw two more larger ones below it, mirroring the first set.
Connect each pair of wings using a curved line.

Step 4:

Step 5: Adding details such as the eyes, legs, and abdomen.
Draw some lines on the wings for the veins.

Step 6: Finally, it’s time to add colour to your dragonfly drawing, let’s color your dragonfly by your style or as shown the picture.

Drawing a dragonfly doesn’t have to be complicated.
By following these easy steps on guide how to draw dragonfly, anyone can create a beautiful dragonfly image.
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