Are you interested in drawing fruits and vegetables but need help with where to start?
Look no further!
In this guide, will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to draw a banana, peeled banana, and banana bunch.
Follow the steps outlined below, and soon, you can draw bananas like a pro!
How To Draw A Banana – A Step By Step Guide
1. Cartoon Banana Drawing
Step 1: Draw two oval shapes overlapping, connect it with two curved lines on each side, forming the sides of the banana.

Step 2: At the top of the banana, draw a small curved line to indicate the stem.

Step 3: Draw a face on the banana by adding two small oval shapes for the eyes.

Step 4: The fourth step on guide how to draw a banana, Add a smiling mouth by drawing a curved line below the eyes.

Step 5: To give your cartoon banana a three-dimensional appearance, add shading.

Step 6: Finally, the colour will bring your cartoon banana to life.

2. Cartoon Peeled Banana Drawing
Step 1: Draw the curved line to form the banana

Step 2: Draw the stem

Step 3: Now, to depict the peeled texture
Draw a curved line starting from the centre of the banana, curving inward, and extending towards the bottom of the banana.

Step 4: Repeat this step on the other side, creating a curved, partially open shape.

Step 5: Add a face to your peeled banana

Step 6: Color your cartoon peeled banana.

3. Alternative Peeled Banana Drawing
Step 1: Begin by drawing a curved line and a circle

Step 2: Draw a curved line inward and extending towards the bottom of the banana.
Repeat this step on the other side, creating a curved, partially open shape.

Step 3: Extend the curved line, gradually curving it to create the length of the banana.

Step 4: Add more curved lines for the peeled section

Step 5: Add more curved lines to represent the texture and folds of the peel.

Step 6: Coloring

4. Easy Bunch Of Bananas Drawing
Step 1: Start this guide how to draw a banana by drawing three curved lines downwards to create the guidelines

Step 2: Draw the outline of the first banana by creating a slightly curved shape with tapered ends.

Step 3: Draw the second overlapping the first banana

Step 4: Repeat steps 3 to draw the remaining bananas in the bunch.

Step 5: Add the texture at the top of each banana

Step 6: Draw the stem

Step 7: Erasing any unnecessary guidelines

Step 8: Add some color to your drawing

5. Realistic Bunch Of Bananas Drawing
Step 1: Sketch an oval shape

Step 2: Extend the curved line downwards along an oval shape

Step 3: Add more curved lines between the two sides to indicate individual bananas within the bunch.

Step 4: Begin coloring the bananas

Step 5: Layer the color gradually, adding more depth and richness to the bananas.

Step 6: Use a slightly darker shade of yellow to add shadows and create a three-dimensional effect.

Step 7: Use a light brown color to color the stems, adding depth and texture.

Step 8: Use a light brown or gray color to add small speckles or spots on the bananas.

6. Banana Drawing Easy

In this tutorial on how to draw a banana in 5 steps to help you drawing a banana with ease!
Step 1: Sketch the stalk of the Banana
First, draw a thin rectangle for the stalk of the banana, make it thinner at the end
Sketch out a three-dimensional point with a flat edge so the banana looks like it was pulled from a bunch.

Step 2: Draw a long curved line from the stalk as shown in the picture

Step 3: Using the curved line to connect the stalk of banana with the previously drawn line.

Step 4: Draw a small stem at the top of the banana, and then draw a curved line down the center of the banana to represent its natural division.

Step 5: Color your banana drawing

7. Peeled Banana Drawing

Step 1: Draw an oval shape to form the basic shape of banana.

Step 2: Depict the first Banana Peel
Draw a curved line beginning around halfway down your initial banana outline from the top down towards the bottom of the banana.
Then, draw another curving line from within the banana body and join the other end.

Step 3: Draw the curving line from the middle of banana down towards the bottom as shown in the picture

Step 4: Using curved line connect the previously drawn line with the middle of banana

Step 5: Now, you draw the third peel, this peel is the smallest.

Step 6: Color banana drawing
Use yellow as a base colour, and add small flicks of brown specks on the peeled area.
The unpeeled areas can be a darker yellow with some greenish hues.

8. Simple Bunch of Bananas Drawing

Step 1: Now, you draw the first banana using the long curve line and two more curved lines to form the top and bottom of the banana.

Step 2: Draw the second and third banana beside the first by using the curved line connect the stalk of banana with the bottom of the first banana

Step 3: Draw a small stem at the top and add a few curve lines to give the banana some texture at the bottom

Step 4: Color the banana bunch by using yellow and brown and green.

I hope this guide has been helpful for those interested in learning how to draw a banana.
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