If you want to learn how to draw a donut, you’ve come to the right place!
Here are eight different styles you can try when you learn how to draw a donut step-by-step
With just a few simple steps, you can draw a sweet donut that will put a smile on anyone’s face.
How To Draw A Donut – A Step by Step Guide
1. Kawaii Donut Drawing
Step 1: Draw a large, slightly elongated oval shape
Add a smaller, concentric oval shape inside the first one.

Step 2: Sketch the texture of the frosting on the top surface of the donut

Step 3: Add more the frosting layer on the top surface of the donut.

Step 4: Draw sprinkles on top of the icing by adding small, dots and lines.

Step 5: Donuts come in a variety of flavors, so you can choose any color combination you like.

2. Cute Donut Drawing
Step 1: Draw the outline of the donut

Step 2: Next, add some delicious frosting to your donut drawing to make it even more tempting.

Step 3: Scatter hearts shape evenly across the surface of the donut.

Step 4: Sketch small dots on the frosting to represent the toppings.

Step 5: Adding facial for cute donut

Step 6: Color the frosting, sprinkles, and the plate or background with their respective colors.

3. Bear In Donut Drawing
Step 1: Draw a hole with an oval shape coming up

Step 2: Sketch the ridges and grooves on the donut’s surface

Step 3: Draw an oval shape below the frosting to complete the donut

Step 4: Adding ear and arms for the bear
You can go over a few ideas by how to draw a bear of us.

Step 5: Adding facial for the bear and sprinkles, chocolate chips

Step 6: Color your bear in donut drawing

4. Cat Donut Drawing
Step 1: Draw a large circle shape with a hole in the center to form the basic shape of a donut

Step 2: Draw two small, rounded triangles on top of the donut to form the cat ears.

Step 3: Sketch two large, circular eyes, nose,mouth and three small curved lines on either side of the mouth to create the whiskers.

Step 4: Add sprinkles all over the donut’s surface

Step 5: You can get creative with the color choices for the cat donut.

5. Panda Donut Drawing
Step 1: Sketch the basic shape of the panda donut

Step 2: Draw panda facial feature on the donut

Step 3: Adding sprinkles

Step 4: Coloring

6. Cartoon Donut Drawing
Step 1: Draw an oval shape

Step 2: Sketch the the frosting

Step 3: Draw the hole inside the donut

Step 4: Add sprinkles as you like

Step 5: You can choose any color combination you like for the donut and icing.

7. Simple Donut Drawing

This guide on how to draw a donut in 4 steps to help you drawing a donut with ease!
Step 1: Draw the basic donut shape

Step 2: Adding icing by drawing some wavy lines around the upper half of the donut.

Step 3: Adding facial feature to your donut

Step 4: Now that you successfully this guide how to draw a donut, it’s time to color your donut drawing

8. Easy Donut Drawing

Step 1: Sketch out the outline of the Donut

Step 2: Depict the inner outline of the Donut

Step 3: To complete the outline of cute donut by using the curved line above the curved line at step 3 as shown in the picture

Step 4: Draw another curved line inside the wavy line you just drew to create the donut’s icing.

Step 5: If you want to make your drawing even more fun, you can color the donut with any colors you like.

Your drawing is now complete! Congratulations on learning how to draw a donut.
You can create a charming kawaii donut with basic shapes and colors that look good enough to eat!
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