Are you interested in learning how to draw a devil?
In this tutorial, will guide you drawing a devil from start to finish with 3 ways for you choose.
How To Draw A Devil – A Step by Step Guide

1. Devil Boy Drawing
Step 1: Draw a large oval shape at the top of paper for the head.

Step 2: Draw the Devil Boy’s Body
Draw a small oval below the head for the torso, extend two curved lines from the body to create the legs.
Draw two curved lines extending outward from the sides of the body for the arms as shown the picture.

Step 3: Draw jagged, spiky lines radiating from the top of the head for the hair.

Step 4: Draw the Pumpkin Bag, Tail and Horns
Draw two curved lines high on the head for horns.
Add a pointed tail coming from the lower back.
Draw a pumpkin-shaped bag in the devil boy’s other hand.

Step 5: Sketching the Trident
In this step on guide how to draw a devil boy will focus on the trident.
Draw a long, vertical line in the hand, extending downward.
Then, draw two diagonal lines coming out from the top of the trident, forming a “V” shape.
Connect the ends of these lines with a horizontal line.
Finally, add three prongs at the end of each diagonal line, forming the trident’s points.

Step 6: Add the Facial Features
Draw two circles for eyes, draw a smiling mouth with pointed teeth.
Add scales or spikes on the tail, horns, and trident.

Step 7: Color the Drawing
Red, orange, yellow, and black are classic devil colors. Color the eyes, horns, trident, pumpkin bag, shoes, and other accents.

2. Cute Devil Drawing
Step 1: The first step in this guide how to draw a devil by drawing a large circle for the head.

Step 2: Add the Body and Legs
Draw a curved line extending downward from the head for the body
Sketch the devil’s legs extending down from the body.

Step 3: Add two arms extending out from the sides of the body. Make them short and chubby, with small hands at the ends.

Step 4: Add the Horns and Tail
Add two small curved horns on top of the head.
Draw a long arrow-tipped tail that loops back up.

Step 5: Draw a shape for the wings extending from the back as shown the picture.

Step 6: Adding Facial Features
Draw two large oval shapes for the eyes. Draw smaller circles inside the ovals for the pupils.
Draw a small, rounded nose in the center of the face.
Draw a wide upside down U shape for an open mouthed grin.

Step 7: Coloring Your Cute Devil
Now, you successfully this guide how to draw a devil, it’s time color it with red color or by your style.

3. Devil Ghost Drawing
Step 1: Draw an oval shape for the head and a tapered oval for the body.

Step 2: The second step of this guide on how to draw a ghost by drawing two curved lines extending out from the sides of body.

Step 3: Draw curved horns protruding from the head.

Step 4: Draw the Wings
Draw curved lines in the shape of a domed half-circle for the upper edge of the wings.
Then, draw several long, curved lines that taper towards the bottom as shown the picture.

Step 5: Draw the Tail and Trident
Now, draw the trident in the ghost’s hands as you can see in the reference image.
Then, draw a tail from the back of devil.

Step 6: Add Facial Features
Draw two large oval shapes for the eyes.
Then, sketch an open mouth with sharp, pointed teeth.

Step 7: You can go with traditional colors like red and black to color your devil ghost drawing

With this guide, you can drawing a cute devil in no time!
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